Destination Charging
Our Solar Powered CHAdeMO (level 3) and two Tesla HPWC's (level 2), are FREE and available 24/7 for every Rivian Owner.
There is no standard connection fee to charge. We only require that you check in with us during normal business hours and never leave your vehicle unattended afterhours. The HPWC's are always free.
In exchange for Fast Free Solar Charging, please check-in Online at Plug-Share and leave feedback or post a picture at Google + or Plugshare, Open Charge Map or Carstations.
EV Charging Etiquette : As a courtesy, please do not leave your vehicle unattended. If you need to leave while charging we require you to check in at the office and leave your key and telephone number.
-Thank you!
Our goal is to be a carbon neutral and sustainable business. To that end we have implemented the TPS, Toyota Lean Production System, installed energy efficient lighting, water heating equipment and a huge 72kW solar array that provides most of our power from the sun. Everything from cardboard and metals to the solvents we use is recycled.
Solar panels were installed on the rooftop of our facility, January 2014. We use the information provided by eGauge to optimize our carbon footprint. By tracking our energy usage and comparing it on a single screen we can optimize our carbon foot-printing and lower our peak demand for energy consumption.
The second by second updates provide us with the tools needed to minimize peak demands. The eGauge system allows us to monitor power generation versus consumption in real time and records up to 30 years of data.
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